If you're still using Internet Explore 6.0 please upgrade your browser to Internet explorer 7.0 or Higher or you can download the FireFox (recommended) Browser.
Upgrade your browser in order to benefit from fast, safe and easy surfing. Old browser are not compatibe with Css technology.
Advantages of using CSS
CSS and the separation of structure and presentation
Using CSS significantly contributesto the separation of structure and presentation. The advantages are as follows:
Lower bandwidth use for the visitor and principal.
A separate CSS file can be cached in the visitor's browser. Therefore it only needs to be loaded once. Since the HTML pages no longer contain any markup for the presentation, their sizes are reduced. Consequently, both the visitor and the principal save bandwidth. The effect for the user is that pages load noticeably faster.
Construction and maintenance become easier. The separation of structure and presentation ensures that the content is well-organised and the structure is simple. This simplifies construction and maintenance by web developers and content managers.
Efficiency and time gain in the development process.
A separate CSS file renders modifying the overall presentation of the site. Often several developers are responsible for the construction of a website. Thanks to the separation principle, developers can work on the appearance and the content/structure independent of each other. This speeds up the production process and reduces the chance of flaws.
A separate CSS file contributes to consistency in the presentation of the site.
This consistency is important for visitors to be able recognise and use the site. Moreover, an inconsistent appearance of a site comes across as sloppy and unreliable.
CSS and descriptive markup
CSS is best used in combination with descriptive markup.
The combination of CSS and descriptive markup enables use of the page without CSS (for instance, when an old browser does not support CSS);
the information will still look structured. Likewise, users of screen readers, and Braille displays, or search spiders will not be able to perceive CSS visually. Descriptive markup tells them whether something is a heading, contrary to meaningless markup that may only look like a heading.
The (descriptive) markup used in the document already has a standard appearance.
When CSS is used, only variations to this appearance are needed.