Situated on the upper north western slopes of Mount Lebanon, ranging in altitude from 1200 m to 2000, Horsh Ehden Nature Reserve covers more than 450 ha and is considered as a very important part of the country for its unique biodiversity.
Extending over 3 bio-geographic zones, the forest assembles different species of mammals, birds and plants of which some are nationally rare and threatened such as the imperial eagle and wolf.
The amount of plant species recognized till now accounts for nearly 40% of plant species in Lebanon.
Nowadays, the municipality of Ehden, owner of Horsh Ehden Nature Reserve’s land, is according much more attention on the reserve for its particular importance:
- Outstanding example of Cedrus libani forest (diversity of age classes and species diversity)
- Outstanding ecological condition (minimum degradation and pollution…)
- Habitat of rare, national and threatened animal and plant species
- Potentially outstanding high quality visitor experience in a forest
- 1,058 plant species
- More than 27 mammals species representing the third of the mammals in Lebanon
- Over 300 fungi species which are critical to maintain a healthy forest ecosystem.
Thus, Horsh Ehden is an outstanding example of Lebanese and Mediterranean natural ecosystem especially for its diversity of Cedars and other native plant species.
For more info about Tannourine Cedar Forest Nature Reserve, please visit the Ministry Of Environment official website: www.moe.gov.lb/